Elizabeth Catchpole

Home Organiser in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk

Do I need a home organiser?

How many of the below situations can you identify with?

  • You find yourself wishing for an extra pair of hands to do things around the house. Every. Single. Day.
  • You feel frustrated with the clutter that is building around your home. But you don’t know what to do about it.
  •  You struggle with the organisation and maintenance of your house. Even the thought of it causes you anxiety?
  • You’re about to move house and have no idea where to start with your planning. Let alone packing your belongings.

If even one of those scenarios sounds like your life right now, you’ve come to the right place.


I’m Elizabeth Catchpole – Your Home Organiser!

And here is the magic I do.


What is a home organiser?

Professionals like me work with homeowners like you, helping them declutter, organise and manage their houses and possessions in the most efficient manner.

The goal is to make your house a home with a flow that works well for everyone who lives there and allows you to stay on top of things stress-free.

What does a home organiser do?

One of the common reasons why people struggle to keep their home environment nice, tidy and in order is having too much stuff. Accumulating possessions doesn’t help when moving to a new place, either.

A home organiser’s job is to methodically sort through the belongings together with the homeowner (you) to divide them into three categories:

  1. what you do and don’t use,
  2. what you like,
  3. what you don’t need to keep.

Once we know that, it’s time to organise your house, so it’s easier to manage. That, in turn, will create a calmer, more peaceful home space to live in every day.

In the end, you’ll get more time to do the things you want to do, rather than the ones you have to do.

And that’s what counts for me! I’m passionate about helping people. Knowing that my clients feel I have genuinely made a difference in their lives and helped them improve their work/life balance makes me super proud.

If you want to:

  • Simplify your life

  • Reclaim your home

  • Shorten your ‘to do’ list

  • Reduce your stress levels

  • Find more hours in your day

  • Enjoy your favourite things

  • Become more productive

  • Have a happier outlook on life

Then, please…

Thank you, you have been an absolute superstar this week! I don’t know where I’d be without you. I was totally overwhelmed at the beginning of the week!